At-Home Coffee Bar

Are you ready to be your own barista? Enjoy high-quality coffee from the comfort of your own home by creating an at-home coffee bar! 

Things you’ll need: 

  • Brewing vessel of choice (dependent on your prefered brewing method
  • Kettle 
  • Coffee grinder
  • Spoons, Drinkware
  • Scale 
  • Milk frother 
  • Mini Fridge (depending how far away from the kitchen your set up is) 


You don’t need a large surface area to create a luxurious coffee bar at home. A coffee bar could be created on your kitchen countertop, a rolling cart, or even a repurposed nightstand. Wherever you choose to set up, you’ll want to consider the proximity to a water source and an electrical outlet.  

Once you’ve got your space figured out, think about your brewing process, and the steps you’ll take when creating your perfect cup. For example, you can group your favourite Belching Barista beans, coffee grinder, and scoop together, while your mug, spoon, and other post-brew supplies could occupy a separate section of your coffee bar.  

When setting up your equipment, start by placing your larger appliances that require power, such as a coffee grinder or kettle, near the electrical outlet. Once you have those set up, you can then set up your other accessories according to how you brew. Think about what comes naturally - are your left or right handed?  For instance, if you’ll be working from left to right, then you’d have your beans and scooper next to your grinder on the left, while your mugs and spoons could be on the right.  

Once you’ve got your coffee bar set up, it’s time to do a test brew! Go through the process of brewing your perfect cup, from grinding the beans to frothing the milk. If you feel like there’s any awkwardness to your movement or things are out of reach, doing the test run brew allows you to adjust your coffee bar and get things just right instead of getting frustrated when you in hurry in the morning.   

Now that you’ve got your coffee bar all set up, you’re ready to be your own barista!  

Makers & Accessories